What is The Real ABA

Dr J ABAWelcome to the REAL ABA, a site devoted to keeping the world informed on what is happening with the former players, the teams and general news related to that glorious league.

What is the purpose of this site?

The mission is two-fold:

First to make sure that people, especially young people, understand what the real ABA was and how influential it still is to the monolith called the NBA.

Second and most importantly, is to inform the general public on how the billion dollar NBA has mistreated the players of the real ABA and consistently ignored their plight. These are not millionaires suffering, check the menu for some sad stories and examples.

What do you mean by real ABA?

The real ABA refers to the original league that was founded in 1967 and played until they MERGED with the NBA in 1976. Any other league using the name is a not only, unrelated to the real ABA, but in my opinion, is sullying the name and legend.

What do you mean by sullying?

The real ABA was, talent-wise, on a level with the NBA. In some ways, even superior. It was not a fourth rate minor league, it was a world class PROFESSIONAL league, talent-wise.

Why did you accent the word MERGED?

The word merger is very significant. Anyone with a modicum of business knowledge understands what that means but apparently the NBA does not. Learn more by reading the player’s petition by clicking here

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